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The LilyDrip is a ceramic add-on for your pour over coffee. It can be used in most cone drippers (v60, Origami dripper, etc.) and comes in four styles (Lily, Diamond, Donut and Starflower).




How to brew with the LilyDrip?


The LilyDrip is relatively easy to use once you get the hang of it. Be warned it doesn’t come with any directions and the information you’ll find on their site is not very helpful. It takes a few times to get the hang of, but once you do, it quickly becomes a mindless actively that is integrated into your brew process.

Here are some easy steps to follow to get your brew ready with the LilyDrip:


  1. lilydrip-step1

    Gather your materials.

    You’ll need your pour over filter (the Hario v60 is used in these photos), the LilyDrip ceramic piece and the “Rapid Filter Shaper”

  2. lilydrip-step2

    Shape the filter.

    First fold the filter along the crease and then place the filter on top of the “Rapid Filter Shaper.” Use your finger to gentle press the filter into the shaper to form an inverse cone. You can also use the LilyDrip to help shape the filter (but be careful not to rip the paper).

  3. lilydrip-step3

    Place the LilyDrip ceramic piece within the brewer.

    Gently place the ceramic LilyDrip at the bottom of any cone shaped brewer. The LilyDrip helps the filter maintain the inverse cone shape during brewing.

  4. lilydrip-step4

    Place the filter on top of the LilyDrip.

    You may also wet the filter at this stage.

  5. lilydrip-step5

    Add coffee grounds to the brewer.

    On top of the LilyDrip and the filter and your coffee grounds. Pour them easily around the filter and give them a gentle shake to level them out. After the grounds are in place you are ready to brew your pour over coffee as usual.

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